Social and solidarity tourism: a meeting point.

We all know it: Egypt is an extremely culturally rich country, and enjoys breathtaking landscapes, between sea, oasis and desert.

However, having experienced life there, we came to a sad conclusion: the local population benefits very little from the benefits of tourism in Egypt, if at all for the most remote villages.

You can contribute at three levels to the social and solidarity dimension of our project:
  1. First, by supporting the development of the project itself, by a free donation on our online fundraiser Leetchi (or by scanning the attached QR code). In return, you will appear in the list of our contributors and you will regularly receive the report of our actions in a newsletter.
  2. Secondly, by booking one or more activities or excursions with Toutankhaone: we undertake to donate part of our revenues to local projects (housing, health, education, sport ...).
  3. Finally, by being actors directly in the field, by participating with us in our missions, and / or by sending us your donations.
An example of our missions: to meet each Other.

Rachele and Jonathan came in May 2023 to visit Egypt, with their son Andreas.

They generously brought, among their luggage, a suitcase of about twenty kilos specially dedicated to the distribution of donations (clothes, shoes, toys and accessories for children).

We invited Rachele and Jonathan to stop during their transfer from Luxor to Hurghada at Garagus village, Qena governorate, to share a typical meal with a village family and to lead the distribution of their donations on their own.

It was an opportunity for their son to discover the animals that share the daily life of this family (a buffalo, chickens, ducks, pigeons ...), to introduce a child of the family, Ammar, to a game he had brought back from France, and to let himself be guided by Ammar through the fields of mango trees, in his favorite playground: nature.

It is with pleasure that the villagers will welcome you soon for the same type of action!

Another facet of our commitments: support for the development of women's sport.

It is here in a personal capacity that I take up the pen to tell you an anecdote: I am French, married to an Egyptian, himself from a remote village.

We are both in love with football; the first time my husband brought me to his village, I played football with him and other locals in the central city stadium of the village. I was the only woman on the field, and despite the hundred pairs of wide-eyed only male eyes around us, my husband was not ashamed to have placed me there.

Today, a few years later, Toutankhaone, which we lead in collaboration, is committed to the AMOS Women's French Cup for the dissemination of women's football.